God is going to shake America. America has turned her back
on God.
America will face in the very near future: Between Two
months to Two years.
Earthquakes like she has never seen
Super Storms and strange weather
Economic collapse
Civil unrest
Foreign troops in USA
Persecution of Christians
Sink holes
More animal deaths
Great signs in the sky
Coastal disasters
Those in America need to to repent and turn from their sins
and trust in Jesus Christ to save them.
More, soon to come prophecies include:
One world religion
One world government
Mark of the beast (Micro-Chip)
Earth will be hit with asteroids or comets
For those that follow and obey the Lord:
Greater peace
Greater power
Greater love
Greater revelation
Greater provision
Greater protection
Prophecy Posted - Aug. 20. 2012
America, how you have fallen.
You were founded on the word of God.
But now we say to each his own.
We had the word of God in school.
But the occult is now the rule.
We used to love and even pray.
Now we lust and meditate.
The Bible was our golden rule
but now Harry Potter rules the schools.
Marriage was a sacred pledge.
Now perversion rules the nest.
The voice of every child is a blessing, that is true.
For money and a little time they
will kill them all for
The storms will be increasing,
the weather it will rage,
for the wrath of God is at the starting stage.
It will not be long now, till our freedoms fade.
For we’ve pushed the Lord God out, soon demons will invade.
The drafts they are coming they
will not spare a child.
The attacks will keep coming,
they are designed just for
To take away your freedom,
the UN will know just what to do.
They will try to mark you, with a tiny chip.
But just remember if they do,
you’ve sold your soul to you
know who.
For the mark we know is true,
it’s satan’s great design for
You once were a “nation under God”.
But now to Him you never pray.
You love the darkness and hate the light.
You love the wrong and hate the right.
You love to feast and hate to fast.
You love to play, no time to pray.
God has shown us the way,
and that’s through His Son.
We must stop our sinning or
judgment will come.
To say that you know Him,
His commandments you must keep
or else forever in Hell burning you will weep.
We have turned from the light and
embraced the night.
Weep and wail for our land we have lost.
We have paid the price
without counting the cost.
We have sown to the flesh,
so destruction we will reap.
Pray to God,
so perhaps our freedoms we may keep.
Prophetic Song 2005
By David Rose