Sunday, July 29, 2012

Church Photos

Our Sign

Our Church Building

Place of Worship:
Norwich Grange Hall
At the Intersection of
CR-32 & Hale St. (CR-32A)
Norwich, NY 13815

Bible Study Time
10:00-10:45 AM Sunday

Prayer and Service Time
10:45 AM Sunday

Study Group

Praise & Worship

Sheila Teaching

Our Tithe Box sits in the back of the Church.
We do not pass a collection plate. Tithing is in the Bible and refers to giving 10% of your first fruits. The tithe is used to pay rent and help those in the congregation who need it and any other expenses the church may encounter. We believe the tithe is between the person and God and a person may leave their tithe in the tithing box anytime on Sunday.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bible Study Evangelism Course

Sunday 7/15/2012

July 22 Evangelism Course

July 29, 2012 Evangelism Class

Click here for part 02

Monday, July 9, 2012